Sunday, April 15, 2012

Hamba Hina

Maaf ye,tanpa gmbr(nk cpt).

"Thank u for being a wonderful person that I myself look up to =')"

"And that He would grant me a beautiful heart as yours =')"

"...and that u would pray for me so that I can be a better Muslim n a good Muslim like u."

Allah...! Nk menangis sgt bilamana seorg shbt menyatakn pd diri ini begitu.
Allah... Aku dikagumi? :'(
Apa yg ada pdku ya Allah?
Allah! Allah! Allah! :'(

Ya Allah, aku punya bnyk khilaf.
Aku rasakan diri ini hipokrit di sebalik jilbab labuh!
Dosaku sprt pepasir pantai bnyknya! :'(
Hati seindah mana yg aku ada? :'(
Hny dihiasi tompok2 hitam yg mungkin hampir penuh mewarnai.
Tompok2 hitam tanda dosa2ku yg x terampun lg.

Siapa aku ya Allah?!
Aku insan hina dina! :'(
Tmpatku di sisiMu ntah wujud ntah tidak.

Ya Allah... Smua ini berlaku krn Kau sygkn aku,bkn?
Ya Allah... Jgnlah berpaling dariku

Saturday, April 14, 2012

it's fRigHteNiNg

Oh Allah..
Why am I always being tested on this matter?
After one had been solved, another same matter came.

Nailah, u shouldn't ask that to Him.
Every test He gives is a chance for u
Yes, it is a chance for me to become a better mukmin.

It's just that I'm afraid
When that thing happened, I'm so frightened.
Coz sometimes I feel like I'm not strong enough
And do I deserve to be His beloved servant?

Oh Allah.. :'(
Please don't let go of my hand
Please be in my heart forever
I really need U

p/s: Allah Cintaku :')

Friday, April 13, 2012


That blue creature or that blue-shirt man?
The one near or far?

Deep thinking...

p/s: istikharah la weyh..! ;)


I want this. I want that.
This is what my heart desires most.
I can't take this or that.
I'm not suit with any of those.

Sit. Lay back. Discuss. Think.
Accept the decision.

"...& bermusyawarahlah dgn mereka dlm urusan itu. Kemudian apabila engkau telah membulatkn tekad,maka bertawakkallah kpd Allah. Sungguh, Allah mencintai org yg brtawakkal." [3:159]

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

dI maNaKah?

Pd siapa?
Di mana?

Di mana aku letakkan harapanku?
Pd siapa kini harapku?

dia atau DIA?
Jika pd dia? :'(
Jika pd DIA? :)

Wahai iman, pilihkan utkku =)

Sunday, April 1, 2012


Jadilah seorg hamba. PadaNya shj kau setia.
Jadilah seorg fakir. PadaNya shj kau meminta.
Jadilah seorg kekasih. PadaNya shj kau mencinta.

Trust HIM!

We see our lives like a puzzle,
One piece at a time to make it complete.
He sees us like the whole picture of puzzle
In a blink.

Trust Him!

He understands us perfectly.
He loves us whole heartedly.

He's the One who knows what's best for us.
Trust HIM!