Sunday, August 26, 2012

bKn krN Allah

Aku mendgr
Melihat, mmbaca
Menuturkn, menerangkn
Berusaha, berjanji

Tp knp?!

Aku masih tegar brmaksiat
Aku masih ragu2 utk memilih di antr hitam atau putih
Sedangkn sepatutnya aku x akn teragak-agak memilih putih

Wahai diri,

Saat kesal hadir tanda sygNya
Kau x peduli
Kau x endah
Syg yg Dia beri kau biarkn pergi

Wahai dri, Apa dh jd?!!

bila segala terlaksana bkn krn Dia,
itulah yg terjadi.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012


The Nucleus is +ve
It is surrounded by many -ve charged Electrons.

Although the shell increases as the electrons increases,
the atomic radius always decreases in a period.
the Nucleus is so strong that affect
all the electrons attracted toward it.

Of course,there's increases in atomic radius 
but with limit.
It'll certainly decreases after that.


Learn with ur heart.
Look with the lens of tarbiyyah.

Saturday, August 11, 2012

wHAt a WaSte?!

To be given a lot of chances
is really making me feel loved.

He did gave me a lot
and still does.

I don't like to be 'that'
and I am lack of  being 'this'.
He gave me chance
by making me be 'that'
so i won't be lack of 'this'.

There're too many helps and chances
from Him before.
But i've wasted them so badly.

What am i going to do with the help and chances now?
Let them flee?

Give ur best effort!
Do as what He wants u to do.
Don't walk on the earth arrogantly.

tiTiK bELok

It's different for EVERYone
We have our own path,
our own journey.

And on our own,
we choose where n when 
will the turning point be.

It should be now,
at instance.

For we not know
whether we'll still breathing
after NOW.

Grab His guidance NOW before He close the offer.
May we choose the right path to reach Him.
insyaAllah =D

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

He is The Best Planner

ever since the car started heading to that place,
my heart smiles.
there's ease in my soul.

Alhamdulillah. Subhanallah. MasyaAllah.
after all the process completed,
my heart smiles brighter.

ya Allah,we plan
but u have planned
& of course that ur plan is always the best.
